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BALBRADAGH: Baile Bradach, thievish town, bradach – cattle rustling.


ROBINSTOWN:  Derived from above.


BALBRIGH:          Baile Bruigh, townland of the meadow or lea.


BALGILL:              Baile na ngiolla, townland of the servants, gills.


BECTIVE:    (a)     Mainistir an Aonaigh, Monastery of the Fair.


                       (b)     Monasterium de Beatitudine (Name of Abbey).


                       (c)      Begtech, “tectum parvum”, little palace.


BALREASK:            Baile an Réisg, townland of the morass.


BALRATH:               Baile an Ráith, townland of the fort.


BALSOON:                Baile Samhan, townland of Samhan.


CLONCULLEN:        Cluain Chuillinn, meadow of the holly.


CHURCHTOWN:    Baile an Teampaill.


CLADY:                        Cloichteach, a stone house.


DUNLOUGH:            Dún Locha, fort of the lake.


DUNDERRY:             Dún Doire, fort of the oak grove.


DUNSANY:                 Dún Samhnaidh, the fort of Samhain.


GILLTOWN:              Baile na nGiolla,  Townland of the Servants.


GRANGE:                    Gráinseach, monastic farm.


KILTOOME:               Cill Tuama, Church of the tomb.


KILMESSAN:             Cill Measáin, Church of Measan.


KILBRIDE:                 Cill Bhríde, Bridget’s Church


KILCOOLEY:             Cill Cúile, Church of the Corner.


LISMULLIN:              Lios Muileann, fort of the mill.


MACETOWN:            Baile Máis, Townland of the hill.


RATHNALLY:            Ráth an Eallaigh, fort of the cattle.


REASK:                         Moor


RETAINE:                    Rataine, Rath Taithin, Taithin’s Fort (Raithín: Little fort?)


ROSS:                            Ros, wood.


CLADY MEADOWS:   Cluain Chlaidigh


DE VERDON PLACE:  De Verdon, relation of Hugh De lacy, Lord of Trim.


HOLLYBROOK:            Site of Robinstown Cricket Field.



CASTLE:                        from Caisleán.


BAL:                                from Baile


DUN, RATH, LIOS:       fort


KIL:                                   From  Cill = Church


SOURCE:                       The Plains of Royal Meath   (Jack Fitzsimons)

School address:                           Phone: 046 9029583

Scoil Mhuire,

Robinstown,                               Email:


Co. Meath                                 School Roll Number: 17520U

C15 YK66

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